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    why we love what we do. 

    Welcome to Mon Petit! We are so glad you are here. I'm Julie, and I have been making shoes for my own children since my oldest was born in 2010, Like so many other moms, I wanted functional and stylish footwear for my girls to wear. I wanted something that was soft enough to swaddle a newborn in and sturdy enough for a busy three year old. Lastly, I needed something that would STAY ON my baby's feet.

    With the help of my sister, Jenn (and some talented pattern scalers), I created my own oxford patterns and mon petit was born! Shorty after, we created the original soft-soled t-straps, the first soft soled t-straps we had ever seen on the market. In the years that followed we have been able to outfit so many of your sweet babes in our MP styles, most recently adding the mary jane style shoe to the line up! 

    We feel so thankful for each purchase that is made as it helps support not only our families, but the families of our mama seamstresses and team members. Thank you for being part of our MP family. 

    xo-Julie and Jenn